Cranbrook School
Facilities Development

Facilities Development

Project Specific Information

Project Details 

Project Name: Cranbrook School Redevelopment Project 

Consent Number: SSD 8812 

Status: Construction Phase 

Architect: Architectus 

Contractor: Richard Crookes Constructions 

Commencement: Dec 2019 

Forecast Completion: Late 2021 

Electorate: Wentworth 

Address: 5 Victoria Road, Bellevue Hill NSW 2023 

Progress Summary 
Archaeological testing and salvage investigationsComplete
Construction Certificate 01 – Demolition, Piling & Excavation and Construction CommencementDecember 2019
Early WorksComplete
Construction Certificate 02 – AFC Inground Services and StructureJanuary 2020
Construction Certificate 03 – Balance of Structure for AFC and CBOctober 2020
Construction Certificate 04 – All remaining works (excl. Public Domain works)December 2020
Construction Certificate 05 – External Facades to AFC and CBFebruary 2021
Construction Certificate 06 – Public Domain WorksJune 2021
ConstructionComplete 2022
Relevant Documents  

Below is a list of key documents pertaining to the Cranbrook Senior School Campus Masterplan 2 Renewal Project. 


Complaint Register

Compliance Report – December 2021

Operational IEA Final Report

Compliance Report August 2023

Get In Touch

To find out more about the project, share feedback, or lodge a complaint community members and stakeholders can contact Cranbrook School via 


PHONE: (02) 9327 9000 

A record of all complaints received on this project can be found here.

The site is subject of Compliance Reports and Independent Environmental Audits as per the SSD Conditions of Consent. These documents are made publicly available as required in the consent.

D15 – D17 – Construction Noise Limits

Richard Crookes Constructions are abiding by the noise limits outlined in the approved Construction Noise & Vibration Management Plan (CNVMP) and are monitoring noise in areas that are adjacent to sensitive receivers. Complaints are investigated and responded to in accordance with the complaints handling procedures and noise mitigation measures within the CNVMP and the Community Communication Strategy (CCS).

D18 – D20 – Vibration Criteria

Richard Crookes Constructions are conducting vibration monitoring during vibratory works and abiding by the limits prescribed within the above listed conditions of consent. Complaints are investigated and responded to in accordance with the complaints handling procedures and noise mitigation measures within the CNVMP and the Community Communication Strategy (CCS).

D21 – D22 – Air Quality

Richard Crookes Constructions are taking all reasonable steps to mitigate dust generation during construction activities. Dust monitoring is ongoing adjacent to sensitive receivers and remain within allowable limits in the Environmental Planning and Assessment (EP&A) guidelines. 

D23 – Erosion and Sediment Control

On-site and off-site erosion and sediment controls are being monitored daily by Richard Crookes Constructions. As works progress on-site, the erosion and sediment control are adjusted to reduce impact to Council stormwater. External erosion and sediment controls are maintained and cleaned regularly.

Monitoring will be carried out with the relevant documents listed below:

Please click here for the Letter re Facades and Cladding. 

Please click here for the Construction Impact Assessment and Management Plan. 

Please click here for the Notice of commencement. 

Please click here for the Dilapidation Report. 

Please click here for the Memorandum from the Sydney Water Building Over Asset (BOA) Application. 

Please click here for the Report from the Sydney Water Building Over Asset (BOA) Application. 

Please click here for the Technical Guidelines from the Sydney Water Building Over Asset (BOA) Application. 

Please click here for the Community Communications Strategy. 

Please click here for the DPIE approval letter.

Please click here for the Rainwater Re-Use Plan. 

Please click here for the Construction Environmental Management Plan. 

Please click here for the Construction Traffic and Pedestrian Management Sub-Plan. 

Please click here for the Construction Noise and Vibration Management Sub-Plan. 

Please click here for the Construction Waste Management Sub-Plan. 

Please click here for the Construction Soil and Water Management Sub-Plan. 

Please click here for the Flood Emergency Response Sub-Plan. 

Please click here for the Unexpected Finds Protocol for contamination, Unexpected Finds Protocol for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal heritage, Waste Classification and Validation. 

Please click here for the Pre-Construction Compliance Report

Please click here for the Construction Compliance Report 01

Please click here for the Construction Compliance Report 02

Please click here for the Construction Compliance Report 03

Please click here for the Construction Compliance Report 04

Please click here for the Pre-Operational Compliance Report 01

Please click here for the Pre-Operational Compliance Report 02

Please click here for the Independent Audit Program.

Please click here for the DPIE Approval of Independent Auditor.

Please click here for the Independent Environmental Audit Report 01 

Please click here for the Response to Environmental Audit Report 01 

Please click here for the Independent Environmental Audit Report 02

Please click here for the Response to Environmental Audit Report 02

Please click here for the Independent Environmental Audit Report 03

Please click here for the Response to Environmental Audit Report 03

Please click here for the Independent Environmental Audit Report 04

Please click here for the Response Environmental Audit Report 04

Frequently Asked Questions

Community members and stakeholders can contact Cranbrook School via or (02) 9327 9000 to find out more about the project, share feedback, or lodge a complaint. 

A record of all complaints received on this project can be found here.

We have a number of buildings and facilities that are ageing, require costly maintenance and are nearing the end of their useful purpose. The proposed redevelopment aims to:

  • replace existing facilities with modern facilities that reflect new ways of learning and which support the physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of its students;
  • provide high quality, multipurpose, sporting and cultural spaces and facilities;
  • create a learning environment that complements the strong academic framework and the pursuit of excellence at Cranbrook.

No. This is a plan for renewal, not expansion. The school is not seeking an increase in the current cap on the number of approved students that can be enrolled at the school.

The school undertook some preliminary consultation with neighbours and key stakeholders in 2016 and incorporated feedback from those sessions into early designs. The formal planning application commenced in October 2017 with the Department of Planning and Environment approving the Development Application in 2019.

Following rigorous tender, Richard Crookes Constructions was appointed the preferred contractor in November 2019. 

The infancy of the transformational change is already visible on Hordern Oval. Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Report (ACHAR) investigations, to help progress the Stage 2 Masterplan redevelopment project, have commenced.

These works involve a two stage programme of Aboriginal archaeological test and salvage excavations in accordance with the State Significant Development Application (SSDA) Conditions of Consent. The ACHAR investigations are required to be undertaken prior to commencement of the proposed Centenary Building and Aquatic & Fitness Centre buildings.

Major construction works are anticipated to commence in the December/January 2020 School holiday period.

The proposed redevelopment promises several benefits for immediate neighbours of the school and the surrounding community. The dedicated on-campus student drop-off and pickup zone will improve local amenity and ease traffic congestion on Rose Bay Avenue and Victoria Street in morning and afternoon peaks. The underground car park to be located under Hordern Oval will remove cars from residential streets, improving access to street parking for nearby residents and visitors. 

We will continue to be respectful of our neighbours at all times and will work with them to minimise any disruption during construction. All of the proposed building work is inside the campus, remote from and mostly below the street level of our closest neighbours.

Our School will continue to operate on-site as normal, so the construction program will be managed to minimise dust and noise. The School has gained experience of maintaining the amenity of the immediate school environment during construction from the refurbishment program that is was recently completed in its Senior School building. Careful design and supervision of these works has allowed teaching to continue in the building during construction with minimal adverse impact for students, staff and neighbours. This experience will inform the renewal construction works. 

Detailed studies regarding traffic, parking, acoustic and dust and visual privacy impacts have been undertaken to inform management plans.

We expect minimal or no impact to neighbours sight lines or views. Almost all of the planned capital works will be below street level in Rose Bay Avenue.

Minor pre-construction works have commenced from November 2019. Major construction works are anticipated to commence in the December/January 2020 School Holiday period. 

Cranbrook is committed to genuine consultation with stakeholders, particularly our neighbours. We intend to be transparent and collaborative with our stakeholders as this once in a 100 year renewal redevelopment of our campus comes to fruition. There are a range of ways to find out more and provide feedback. 

These include:

  • Community newsletters – via electronic direct mail, letterbox drops and the website
  • Direct stakeholder briefings
  • Social media updates
  • Media updates 

Feedback is important to us and all community and stakeholder feedback can be directed to us via or via (02) 9327 9000.