Making sure that all our students feel safe, valued and comfortable, while encouraging leadership, courage and assertiveness are priorities at our Junior School.
A feature of our ethos is the emphasis on the needs of the individual. Every child’s progress is important and teachers look for opportunities to encourage and support each boy’s development. An essential element of the Cranbrook Junior School approach is to truly know our children– to a build a connection and understanding over time. Each week, a Student Wellbeing session is taught in each class to build the sequential knowledge needed to help our young students foster vital and broad social and emotional skills needed to navigate the world as they grow up.
The School is committed to offering care and counsel through trained School Psychologists, when problems and difficult situations arise either within or outside the School environment. These experienced professionals play a significant role in all aspects of the pastoral care of students at Cranbrook Junior School.
Cranbrook employs an ordained Anglican clergyman as Chaplain, who in turn leads our team of Assistant Chaplains, staff, students and Old Boys– all aiming to provide support and spiritual advice for any of our students.