Drama is an integral and thriving part of our School
Students from Kindergarten to Year 6 are taught Drama as part of their classroom curricular offering. Drama is taught in integrated units or as stand-alone lessons during units of inquiry, led by our dedicated and skilled Drama Teacher and supported by Classroom Teachers. Drama experiences provide opportunities for students to express their understanding and learning in a different creative and expressive mode.
Annual Drama Productions
Each year, the Junior School holds an annual Drama production and participates with distinction in the Primary Theatre Sports competition. Performances like these allow our Junior School students to experience the entire creative process. They work to hone their skills through dedicated rehearsal and response to feedback and enjoy the team camaraderie that comes from working together as an ensemble to present a polished finished product to live audiences.
Co-Curricular Drama
Junior School students may also opt to engage in a variety of Co-Curricular offerings in the area of Drama, including Speech and Drama classes, Public Speaking and Debating classes, creating a further structure for students to explore creatively communication and Drama concepts and skills.