The Cranbrook Foundation was founded in 1974 by Cranbrook School.
It is a company limited by guarantee and is administered by a Board of Directors. Its day to day activities are supported by the Director of Development, a member of the Cranbrook School staff. The primary purpose of the Foundation is to provide financial and other assistance to the School to assist in attaining the vision for the School as articulated by the School Council.
The Cranbrook community is caring, involved and generous. We are deeply grateful for the many gifts provided by Old Cranbrookians, parents both current and past, grandparents, staff and friends. This support has assisted in preserving and developing the facilities of the School and helping to maintain excellence in education.
Like many independent schools, Cranbrook depends on the support of the entire community – School fees and government grants alone do not support new capital projects, major maintenance and restoration of existing buildings, visiting academics or the ongoing support and enhancement of the School’s scholarships and bursary programmes.
Thank you
Our donors enable us to move ahead and develop essential and innovative educational facilities for our current students and for the next century of Cranbrook students. They help us to provide continuity of educational experience across our campuses and to realise our vision to bring the Cranbrook Masterplan to reality. Our donors provide students with support to pursue their educational dreams through scholarships. Thank you for helping us advance and transform our School to ensure its future vitality and standing.
No thank you would be complete without the mention of the many volunteers who contribute selflessly, enhancing every aspect of School life and likewise, the individuals who generously support the School with gifts in kind. To all our donors and volunteers, thank you.