At Cranbrook we launch our students into the future, getting them ready for a world yet to be imagined.
We value the integrity of difference, seeking to nurture the strengths of each individual in the context of a strong community. We celebrate intellectual versatility, academic hunger, curiosity and creativity. We are driven by the dynamic equilibrium formed by tradition and innovation, aiming always for breadth and balance. We tap into the best of the past—the great liberal traditions of education—while harnessing the exciting possibilities of an increasingly interconnected world.
In everything we do we are anchored by our motto: esse quam videri “to be, rather than to seem to be”. We are interested in authentic being, building the character of the individuals in our care, and teaching them to think well about the things that matter.

to be, rather than to seem to be
To Be | Creative
Being creative educators and passionate learners.
We are known for our commitment to cultural and artistic expression. We embrace curiosity and discovery, always experimenting and innovating. Experiential learning is at the heart of what we do – we create authentic experiences to make learning interesting, personal and relevant in an interconnected world.
to be, rather than to seem to be
To Be | Determined
We are committed to excellence so we support our students in the unglamorous business of simple, hard work as they look to fulfil their talents and realise their full potential. We believe in the educational power of preparation: of designing, sketching, rehearsing, rewriting, practising, so that when the moment to perform or exhibit comes, it is the culmination of a valuable, disciplined process which teaches us about ourselves, our perception of the world and our peers.

to be, rather than to seem to be
To Be | Principled
We live in a world where trust in institutions is on the decline and where young people are coming of age in an increasingly atomised society disconnected from ‘larger stories’. Social messages can be confusing and even harmful. We are committed to creating a healthy School environment, providing positive cultural, ethical and social guidance to the young people in our care. We want our students to find their vocation and their voice so that they can act with confidence and integrity in the world, contributing to the common good.
to be, rather than to seem to be
To Be | Grounded
In a world where information about anyone or anything is available at the touch of a button we seek substance rather than surface, wisdom over knowledge, truth over ‘fake news’. Rather than the assimilation of content, we aim for learning that promotes discovery and original thinking through a depth of understanding and deep engagement. We focus not only on strong cognitive skills but social and emotional skills. Grounded by the rigorous traditions of a liberal education, we resist reductive, utilitarian views of education.

to be, rather than to seem to be
To Be | Generous
Inspired by our Anglican traditions, we understand the importance of spiritual and moral formation. We foster the principles of service and a generosity of spirit. We create time and space for our community to engage in spiritual education, allowing our students to explore meaning and purpose, and inspiring them to pursue the greater good.
to be, rather than to seem to be
To Be | Courageous
We foster a confidence and a sense of active responsibility alongside an appreciation of the integrity of differences. In celebrating individuality and diversity rather than conformity and uniformity we help our students to live adventurous, courageous and generous lives which contribute to the betterment of society.