The words within our Vision and Mission Statements have been chosen with care. They are intended to be warm, inclusive, kind and encouraging: they are, in summary, a meditation upon how we, as an educational community, can realise our motto – Esse Quam Videri, within the context of contemporary society.
Cranbrook is a great and distinctive School. Our educational philosophy prepares our students to fulfil their talents, and exercise influence in a rapidly evolving and challenging world. In order to flourish, they will need to retain confidence and integrity whilst displaying intellectual versatility and a willingness to embrace new opportunities.
At Cranbrook, we are true to our traditions and to the spirit of our foundation. We are working for renewal, not revolution or reinvention. However, we need, as an institution, to recognise the specific landscape of the twenty-first century and to do our best to enable and encourage our students to flourish within it. Theirs will be a world of fewer boundaries and greater competition: success will be a prize to be earned, not an entitlement to be expected.
Within the framework of our Vision and Mission, the School is guided by a five-year strategic plan. Please click here to view the Cranbrook Strategic Plan.
Our Motto: Esse Quam Videri – To be rather than to seem to be
Integrity has been at the heart of the School since its foundation in 1918. ‘Esse Quam Videri’, meaning ‘to be rather than to seem to be’, was chosen as our motto and we continue to try to live this message out. Integrity signifies truth and sincerity: it also implies balance and breadth. Being wholly human means being open to Science and Literature, Sport and Art, Service and Adventure, and contributing to a strong, healthy community at school and beyond.
A world class School which encourages and enables all of our students to explore, enjoy and fulfil their potential.
Our mission is to lead all students to discover and make the most of their talents, to give of their best and to thrive in and love the pursuit of excellence;
To energise the educational environment by offering a well-rounded, rich and distinctive schooling both within and beyond the curriculum and to give powerful pastoral support to each pupil in our care;
To uphold the character of our Anglican foundation in order to promote the moral and spiritual development of each student and to foster the principles of service;
To build resilience and confidence within our students so that each can face the challenges of the twenty-first century with personal confidence, intellectual versatility, academic hunger and optimism, and
To inspire and support students to respect the integrity of differences and to lead adventurous, courageous and generous lives which contribute to the betterment of society.