Cranbrook School offers a variety of Scholarships which enhance the depth and diversity of our School and provide opportunities for boys who may not have had the chance to attend our School otherwise.
Throughout the years the Cranbrook community has generously enhanced the Cranbrook Scholarships and Bursary programmes, and their ongoing support has ensured we have been able to assist exceptional students who fulfil the Cranbrook ethos.
Martin Pitt Scholarship Fund
I love the exposure and encouragement that the school provides to my life. It’s not uncommon that a boy will be doing rugby training on a Monday morning then be at an open studio working on his art Monday afternoon. I think it’s rare that you find that kind of diversity in a school and I love it.
Will Andreas, Old Cranbrookian (2018), Martin Pitt Scholarship
Please click here to view a letter of thanks from Will Andreas, past recipient of the Martin Pitt Scholarship

heart and soul of the school
Martin Pitt
Martin Pitt was someone who was positive, cheerful and full of energy; he was irrepressible.
Where he saw a need, he acted and carried people with him. Martin embodied, lived and breathed the spirit of the Cranbrook community before sadly passing away in 2010.
Martin was at Cranbrook for almost 60 years as a student, teacher, Head of House, Sports Coach and Deputy Headmaster. He was the heart and soul of the School and to commemorate Martin’s commitment and contribution to the life of Cranbrook, his family and the School established The Martin Pitt Scholarship.
Education and support for those less fortunate were two of Martin’s many passions. Martin’s love for rural Australia and his enthusiasm for boys’ education never waned and he had a strong belief that boys outside the city fringe should also have the opportunity of enjoying a Cranbrook education. He also understood the financial difficulty most rural parents endure.
As the inaugural Director of the Cranbrook Foundation, Martin worked tirelessly to encourage the Cranbrook community to support families who, without financial assistance, would be unable to consider a Cranbrook education for their sons.
Always leave the woodpile higher than you found it.
Martin Pitt, Old Cranbrookian (1957)
Criteria for the awarding of the scholarship
The criteria for awarding the Martin Pitt Scholarship is that the recipient:
- is from a rural area
- would be unable to attend Cranbrook School without financial assistance
- displays a real desire to attend Cranbrook School
- shows potential as a leader
- is a talented and passionate sportsman
- will embrace all that Cranbrook offers
- strives to reach his full potential in all areas
- upholds high ideals and who gives unselfish service
Matt Street Scholarship
Being at Cranbrook has changed my life. The School is so friendly, everyone helps me out and there are great facilities.
Lachlan, Old Cranbrookian (2019), Matt Street Scholarship
Please click here to view a letter of thanks from Lachlan Bible, past recipient of the Matt Street Scholarship
in memoriam
Matt Street
The Matt Street Scholarship was established by Old Cranbrookian Philip (Hooky) James Lee Street (1948) in memory of his youngest son, Matthew Lee Street who boarded at Cranbrook from 1970 to 1977. Matthew was tragically killed in a motor vehicle accident in 1980 aged 20 years.
In 1981 in memory of his son, Philip Street established The Matt Street Scholarship. The first Matt Street Scholarship was awarded in 1982.
The friendship and experiences that were part of my education had an incredibly positive impact on my life.
Matt Street, Old Cranbrookian (1977)

Criteria for the awarding of the scholarship:
- a boy of good intellect and character
- has shown community awareness and a keenness for sport
- without financial assistance would be unable to attend Cranbrook School
- either a day or boarding student
- awarded to a boy who is not already enrolled at Cranbrook School
- is entering or repeating the final year or entering the penultimate year
- to be held for a maximum period of two years
The time I was fortunate enough to spend at Cranbrook helped open my eyes to a wider world of opportunities, and gave me the confidence and educational underpinnings to pursue them. The friendships and experiences that were part of my education had an incredibly positive impact on my life. For me it would not have been possible without the Matt Street Scholarship.
Richard Wright, Old Cranbrookian (1988).
Richard is one of many Old Cranbrookians since 1982 who have been worthy recipients of the Matt Street Scholarship and we are now seeking the support of our wider School community to ensure that the Matt Street Scholarship remains in perpetuity.

Please click here to view the speech of thanks from Darcy Searl, recipient of the Matt Street Scholarship
The OCA Scholarship
The Old Cranbrookians’ Association (OCA) Scholarship was established by the OCA Committee in 2004. Martin Pitt (OC 1956) and Gavin Thomson (OC 1957) were instrumental in the foundation of this Scholarship.
The vision for the OCA Scholarship was that it would allow for the sons of Old Cranbrookians to attend Cranbrook and have the same opportunity and learning experience that their father’s had.
Due to changes with charity laws, the OCA Scholarship has become non-discriminatory and therefore, provides support to any suitable student wishing to attend the School. The primary determination of candidate suitability rests with the School with a combination of the OCA Committee and the Directors of the Trustee company meeting to consider and approve, where appropriate, the nominated candidate’s application for Scholarship.
At all times, the determination of the suitable candidate for the OCA scholarship has primarily been in the hands of the Headmaster, who has made recommendations to the OCA Committee.
The OCA Scholarship has disbursed over $300,000 since 2004. The OCA Scholarship remains a vibrant and important fund to support outstanding candidates to Cranbrook.
A recent OCA Scholar is Hugo Hayman. His views on the scholarship are here:
“It was some of the most enjoyable years of my life and I have lifelong friendships and support to show for it. I am so grateful to the OCA for their generous support of me and my family, affording us the opportunity to be a part of the wonderful Cranbrook community for my life would be very different without it.”
Heléne Joklik Endowment

continuing support of the school
Heléne Joklik
The Heléne Joklik Endowment Scholarship is in memory of Ms Heléne Jokik, the mother of two Old Boys who were at Cranbrook in the late 1930s and early 1940s. The terms of the endowment are that it is for a boy who has marked academic and leadership potential. Where appropriate, preference may be given to a boy from a family with limited means.
The Scholarship is for full tuition fees, subject to the recipients continued satisfactory progress and conduct and may be awarded to a boy at any stage of his secondary school career. The applicants will be judged on their current performance, and if they are non-Cranbrook applicants, on the result of an interview with the Head of School. The principle purpose is to provide a scholarship for boys who have marked academic and leadership potential.
Entering every situation and opportunity with enthusiasm and gratefulness meant that Cranbrook was the perfect school for me – to put it simply, I got out what I put in.
Adam Congiusta, Old Cranbrookian (2010), recipient of the Heléne Joklik Endowment
Previous Scholarships and Bursaries
Create a new Scholarship or Bursary
Scholarships and Bursaries provide opportunities for students who may not otherwise be able to experience the transformative educational programme at Cranbrook School.
If you are passionate about education, creating a scholarship or bursary will ensure a real and immediate impact on the life of a student.
If you would like to have a discussion about creating a Scholarship or Bursary, either in your name or that of a loved one, please contact Mr Cameron Torrance, our Director of Development, on +61 2 9327 9565 or