Students play basketball fixtures every Saturday morning throughout the summer season. This is one of our most popular sports and the enthusiasm both on and off the courts is evident at each game! There are four teams making up As through to Ds, along with four parallel teams.
We have a longstanding tradition of wonderfully talented cricketers at Cranbrook, many of whom discovered their love of cricket during their time at our Junior School. The Junior School cricket programme is supported by a number of highly qualified coaches who encourage all the students to reach their full potential. Students in Years 3-6 play Saturday morning cricket against other schools during the summer season.

The sailing programme is run out of the Cranbrook Boatshed in Rose Bay overlooking the beautiful Sydney Harbour. The programme caters for both beginners, intermediate and advanced sailors, with the ultimate goal of preparing the students for competition. The programme is run by qualified sailing instructors and professionals.
The Summer Tennis programme is run by experienced coaches using a blend of one to one coaching and practice games. The students may be chosen to represent the School in the Tennis Teams playing against other schools. Any student who is not selected to represent the School will take part in a Saturday morning development programme which is designed to upskill the students to be a competitive tennis player.