Cranbrook School

School Community Update on the External Review Process

School Community Update on the External Review Process

The School Council and Mrs Michele Marquet would like to thank the School community for its engagement with the external process established in early April this year for the reporting of concerns or otherwise give feedback. This has enabled valuable feedback to be gathered which will inform and improve the educational environment within the School.  

The Your Call platform used for the reporting of serious concerns, which are then reviewed by Dr Amanda Bell AM and law firm Thomson Geer, will remain open for new reports until 29 July (i.e. the start of Week 2 Term 3).

When it closes, the School will transition to a new ongoing whistleblower/serious concerns mechanism, the details for which will be provided in due course.

Any reports lodged with Your Call under the current process will continue to be managed to their appropriate conclusion with the assistance of Dr Bell.

Recommendations resulting from this external process will be shared with our community. This is expected to be done approximately once month after the closure of the current process, to enable the School to progress satisfactorily all reports that have been made.

The School’s policies continue to be reviewed in order to ensure policies are reflective of best practice and to assist staff in understanding the intersection between various policies. The School’s Whistleblower policy has been prioritised to be revised and then other policies will be revised progressively thereafter, as required. Ongoing familiarisation and professional development initiatives will be implemented to ensure our staff understand policies and the procedures for their implementation.

As reminder, to report any new concerns up until 29 July you can either complete and submit a form on the Your Call platform, which is called Rely and can be accessed by clicking HERE, or make a verbal report to a Your Call Officer by calling 1300 921 116 between the hours of 7am and midnight (Sydney time) on business days.

Thank you again for your contribution to enhancing the educational environment at Cranbrook.

Yours sincerely,

Geoff Lovell (President, Cranbrook School Council)
Michele Marquet (Acting Head of School)
